making photo shoots fun for kids

Balloon and floral cake smash | Arvada Baby photographer

Balloon and floral cake smash | Arvada Baby photographer

Cake smash sessions have become a tradition as much as a senior portrait session is for a high school senior. They are a beautiful way to celebrate a baby’s first birthday and to capture a time when they are growing and changing so quickly. One of the things I am most excited about with the new studio space in Arvada is the ability to do cake smash sessions indoor for those who do not want to do them in their home.

My favorite images of 2020 {Northglenn, CO photographer}

My favorite images of 2020 {Northglenn, CO photographer}

With fewer than usual shoots in 2020, I thought doing a favorite image of 2020 post would be easy. But, as I look back through the images taken this year I realize choosing favorites is like trying to choose a favorite child. But, I have already started this post and so I am committing. Here are some of my favorite images taken in 2020, separated by category.

10 tips for your cake smash! {Northglenn Baby Photographer}

10 tips for your cake smash! {Northglenn Baby Photographer}

Nothing is cuter than a baby covered in food, especially if that food is a Birthday cake! Cake smash sessions have become a huge tradition for first birthdays but they can take a lot of planning. I plan these sessions with my clients at the consultation call to make your session easy and so that everything is planned before you even put down your session fee so you can book in confidence. So here are 10 tips that I use to plan beautiful cake smash sessions for my clients.

You should do this every year for your child's birthday! {Denver Kids Photography}

You should do this every year for your child's birthday! {Denver Kids Photography}

There is only one birthday tradition in our family that is more sacred than the birthday party, and that is the birthday portrait. Portraits of me that were not taken at school were more rare than birthday parties, so every year, at very least once a year but typically a few times, my kids get a new portrait.

4 tips for photo shoots with your toddler {Northglenn Colorado photographer}

4 tips for photo shoots with your toddler {Northglenn Colorado photographer}

Your baby is now walking, toddling around getting into everything and destroying your home. If they weren’t SO ADORABLE even when making a huge mess they may not survive their toddler years. I know my kids' cuteness has saved their life many times when I wanted to kill them (kidding of course!)