Help me out by voting! {Denver Photographer}
I am excited to share with you all that I have applied for a small business grant through FedEx. Every year they give out grants to a small selection of businesses and for 3 years now I have missed the submission deadline, but luckily this year I was able to sign up!
The first step in the process is to get my business seen by getting votes! Votes will determine the finalists and then winners will be selected from those finalists.
Voting is simple all you need to do is click the link, Select “vote for this business” and then give a name and email address. Plus, they will allow you to vote more than once (once every 24 hours until April 1st!). Can you all go help me out today by voting for me?
Why have I decided to apply for a grant?
Some of you who have followed me for a long time may have heard my story. But for those who haven’t let me tell you about the history of my business.
I launched Truth Photography in 2010 after the national photography chain that i had been working for for almost 3 years closed with zero notice to it’s employees. My oldest son was 3 weeks old and my husband had found out the week before that his seasonal job would not be hiring him on full time. Less than a year into marriage with a brand new baby and a husband trying to complete a college degree I found myself with no income and to make matters worse, my health insurance which was through the company I had worked for refused to fulfill any claims since the company had been self insured. Basically what I found out that mean was there was nothing backing the insurance and since the company was bankrupt they would not be paying any of our bills including those for my sons birth.
So as I launched this business every penny of what I made went to my family and medical bills for years after I started. Fast forward a few years. Around 2014 I was finally able to pay off the remained of the medical debt, start rebuilding my personal credit and investing in my business a little more. My husband had graduated from college and was working but has not yet found his dream job. Since then I have been working to make this a business that I love, that gives back to the community and that does more than just pay the bills. I have slowly worked towards goals and dreams for my business but it has been slow going. Some of my business goals may still take years to raise the money for and achieve since my family is still depending on my income. If I were to receive one of these grants it would mean an end to struggling to reach these goals.
What a grant would mean for my business
FedEx is giving out 10 grants at 3 different levels from $50,000 to $15,000. Obviously with the bigger grant I could do things that would not be possible with a smaller grant however even a $15,000 grant would make a huge difference in my business. Here is what I would do if I receive any of the grants:
Upgrade my camera and lenses. While I truly believe a great photographer can create beautiful images with any equipment there are some things I simply can’t do with my current camera and lenses.
Upgrade my computer. Anyone who has done a selection appointment with me in the last year can see the need for a new one hahaha!
Purchase studio lighting. This would be great for my newborn sessions and winter kids sessions. Right now I book based on when the best natural light is however having lighting would allow me to open more session time options.
Purchase studio management software. This would make my job easier and replying to you when you email me faster. A win for everyone!
Expand my client wardrobe, starting with maternity gowns and newborn outfits!
Have updated head shots, marketing images and promotional videos done. Sometimes photographers need to hire a professional photographer as well.
Expand my marketing budget creating a steady stream of clients to allow me to continue making upgrades and expanding as needed.
Hire a part time assistant. I am going to need one with the extra business from those ads!
Donate more sessions to those in need. I am currently starting a program to donate sessions to families with a child with a life threatening or terminal illness. To nominate someone for these sessions you can email me at More information coming soon in a future blog post!
If I received a bigger grant I would love to open a studio space for newborn and children’s sessions and for meeting with clients. All of the things on the list above are goals of mine regardless of winning this grant or not however some of them will take time. I would love to speed up that timeline.
Thank you all for helping by voting for me as often as you can over the next 2 weeks! I love having so many loyal clients and friends!
My name is Jennifer Tavera, the photographer behind Truth Photography. I am a Northglenn Colorado family photographer and gallery designer seeking adventurous, free spirited families. I believe that your life is epic and deserves to be captured with photography!
I specializes in creating unique photo sessions that will be an adventure for your child or family and turning the finished portraits into beautiful wall art for your home. I can’t wait to photograph your next adventure!!
~Jennifer Tavera Photographer and Gallery designer
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